Program Coordinator and Violence Prevention Specialist

Cal State University (CSU) Humboldt
Arcata, California 95521 United States  View Map
Posted: Jan 31, 2025
  • Human and Social Services
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  • Job Description

    Program Coordinator and Violence Prevention Specialist

    Student Health & Wellbeing Services
    Job #543741
    First Review Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025

    Close Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025

    At Cal Poly Humboldt, bold hearts and open minds shape the future.

    Founded in 1913, Cal Poly Humboldt began as a small college for teachers. Today Humboldt has grown into a comprehensive university with rigorous science and liberal arts programs. Designated a polytechnic in 2022, Cal Poly Humboldt provides hands-on, impactful educational opportunities that lead to meaningful, measurable outcomes for the individual, for the state, and the world. Cal Poly Humboldt is proud to have over 6,000 students of all backgrounds spread across 61 majors, 13 graduate programs, and 4 credential programs - all of whom contribute passion and creativity within their fields and set the stage for a future grounded in equity and sustainability. Hands-on learning, inspired teaching, ground-breaking research, and thought-provoking creative activity happen daily at Humboldt. Cal Poly Humboldt is a Hispanic-Serving Institution that strives to foster an inclusive and equitable community to support our students of diverse backgrounds. We are committed to achieving the goals of equal opportunity and endeavors to employ faculty and staff of the highest quality committed to working in a multicultural and multiracial community that reflects the diversity of the state. Finding a better future is a task for the bold and open, the down-to-earth and visionary. Cal Poly Humboldt strives to cultivate these qualities in leaders, innovators, and scholars in every field.

    (Job #543741) Student Services Professional III or IV, Program Coordinator & Violence Prevention Specialist, Salary Range: SSP III: $5,276 - $7,517 monthly; SSP IV: $6,019 - $8,585 monthly. Hiring Range: SSP III: $5,276 - $5,540 monthly; SSP IV: $6,019 - $6,300 monthly. This is a full-time, benefited, exempt, 12-month pay plan permanent position with a one-year probationary period in Department of Student Health & Wellbeing Services. This position comes with a premium benefits package that includes outstanding vacation, medical, dental, and vision plans, life insurance, voluntary pre-tax health and dependent care reimbursement accounts, a fee waiver education program, membership in the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), and 14 paid holidays per year. Additional benefits information can be found at .

    Position Summary: The primary role of the PCVPS is to lower incidents of gender-based violence by coordinating, planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating prevention efforts across campus. Secondarily, the PCVPS will provide support and referral services to students impacted by acts of violence.

    Key Responsibilities:

    Oversight and coordination of university prevention and education planning and programming in relation to sexualized violence including domestic and intimate partner violence as well as all legally required programming under Title IX, the Clery Act, and California law-30%
    • Develop a strategic plan (with input from system-level subject matter experts and key campus stakeholders) for university programming in the above listed areas.
      • Identify all training requirements under federal and state law and CSU policy, all constituencies, and constituent groups in need of training, and all potential university partners that can collaborate to deliver content.
      • Expand professional development and training for all employees in the areas of: (1) Title IX and DHR; (2) reporting responsibilities (Title IX, Clery Act, and CANRA); (3) bystander intervention strategies; (4) respectful and inclusive environments; and (5) conflict resolution.
      • Oversee implementation (delivery of training) of the strategic plan.
      • Provide written reports to share with the Exec. Director of SHWS, the Title IX Coordinator, and other campus personnel (e.g., needs assessment, training outcomes, etc.).
    • Prepare grants and seek donor funding related to violence prevention and education efforts.
    • Review and help revise relevant campus policies and practices to reflect a survivor centered and trauma-informed sensibility.
    • Participate in national conferences, listservs, networking events, etc. to coordinate with other professionals dedicated to prevention.

    Outreach, Training, and Collaboration-30%
    • Outreach / direct delivery of educational programs on the topics of violence prevention, healthy relationships, affirmative consent.
      • Develop trainings and educational material through a social justice and trauma informed lens.
      • Incorporate education about the role of alcohol and other drug use as well as toxic masculinity in sexualized violence trainings.
      • Develop, and make available, educational material (e.g., brochures, posters, webpage, YouTube or TikTok videos, etc.) on the topic of violence prevention and trauma-informed practices.
    • Advertise campus programming, distribute prevention and education materials, seek feedback and recommendations... through a university website dedicated to prevention as well as through social media platforms.
    • Train faculty, staff, University Police, and others in:
    • Title IX and Discrimination and Harassment Training
    • Trauma-informed approaches and practices
    • Collaborate with key stakeholders in our general community in developing programs and prevention / early intervention strategies outside of campus.

    Analysis, Tracking, and Reporting-10%
    • Conduct pre-and post-test evaluations (and associated data analysis) in relation to educational trainings offered.
    • Financial planning, tracking, and reporting in relation to prevention and education expenditures.
    • Provide written reports to share with the Exec. Director of SHWS, the Title IX Coordinator, and other campus personnel (e.g., needs assessment, training outcomes, etc.).

    Oversee Sexual Assault Prevention Committee (SAPC) education and training efforts aimed at eradicating sexualized violence-10%
    • Expand SAPC to develop a university-wide Prevention and Education Oversight Committee to coordinate and align programming across the university.
    • Review prevention program content, evaluate proposed programming or speakers, ensure prevention-related communications are reaching all constituents, and develop and implement a mechanism for assessing effectiveness including by monitoring participation levels and measuring learning outcomes.

    Provide support and referrals to students impacted by recent violence / Title IX infractions (including connecting students to DoS office, Title IX office, Medical and Counseling Services, Campus Advocate Team, etc.)-5%

    Participate in regular meetings with related units and key stakeholders (e.g., SHWS team, Title IX office, etc.)-5%

    Other duties as assigned-5%

    Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Associated with this Position Include: The following knowledge and abilities in the Student Services Professional series are required for appointment into this classification (SSP I through III are required; and for SSP IV classification, SSP IV is required in addition).

    Student Services Professional I-A:
    • Working knowledge of research and observation techniques for the purpose of recording, classifying, and interpreting factual information.
    • Working knowledge of the techniques and methods of interviewing.
    • Ability to gather and analyze data.
    • Ability to reason logically, draw valid conclusions, and make appropriate recommendations.
    • Ability to participate in and contribute to group meetings, conferences, and interviews.
    • Ability to clearly express ideas and recommendations orally.
    • Ability to write clear and concise reports.
    • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with students, staff, and faculty.

    Student Services Professional I-B:
    • Working knowledge of the methods and problems of organization and program management.
    • The ability to rapidly acquire such knowledge of the organization, procedures, and activities of the specific campus to which the position is assigned.
    • Working knowledge of the basic principles, practices, and major trends in the Student Services field to which assigned.
    • Ability to rapidly acquire a working knowledge of the specific objectives of the campus Student Services program and its relationship to the total campus operation.
    • Ability to interpret and apply program rules and regulations.
    • Ability to gather and analyze data.
    • Ability to reason logically, draw valid conclusions, and make appropriate recommendations.
    • Ability to present clear and concise information orally and in written reports; and establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with faculty, CSU administrators, student organizations and other private and public agencies.

    Student Services Professional II:
    • General knowledge of research and interview techniques; and of the principles of individual and group behavior.
    • Ability to interpret and apply program rules and regulations.
    • Ability to use initiative and resourcefulness in planning work assignments and in implementing long-range program improvements.
    • Ability to obtain factual and interpretative information through interviews.
    • Ability to reason logically.
    • Ability to collect, compile, analyze and evaluate data and make verbal or written presentations based on these data.
    • Ability to advise students individually and in groups on routine matters where required.
    • Ability to recognize multicultural, multisexed and multi-aged value systems and work accordingly.
    • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with faculty, CSU administrators, student organizations, private and public agencies and others in committee work, and student advising and community contacts.
    • Ability to rapidly acquire a general knowledge of the overall operation, functions and programs of the campus to which assigned.
    • Demonstrated ability to make decisions and carry through actions having implications with regard to other program or service areas Services Office.

    Student Services Professional III:
    • Thorough knowledge of the principles of individual and group behavior.
    • General knowledge of the principles, practices and trends of the Student Services field as well as general knowledge of the policies, procedures, and practices of the program area to which assigned.
    • General knowledge of individual counseling techniques.
    • General knowledge, or the ability to rapidly acquire such knowledge, of the organizational procedures and activities of Cal Poly Humboldt to which the position is assigned.
    • Working knowledge of student services programs outside the program to which immediately assigned.
    • Ability to analyze complex situations accurately and adopt effective courses of action.
    • Ability to advise students individually and in groups on complex student-related matters.
    • Ability to determine appropriate courses of action and proper techniques to utilize while engaged with individuals in personal interactions of an argumentative or sensitive nature.
    • Ability to interpret and evaluate descriptions and explanations of problems brought forward by individuals or student organizations, analyze, and define the problem, draw valid conclusions, and project consequences of various alternative courses of action.
    • Ability to carry out a variety of professionally complex assignments without detailed instructions.
    • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with a variety of individuals.

    Student Services Professional IV: The following knowledge and abilities as well as those listed at lower levels in the Student Services Professional series (above) are required for appointment to this classification.
    • Thorough knowledge of the policies, procedures, and practices of Sexualized Violence Prevention and Education and Survivor Advocacy and Support or the ability to quickly acquire such knowledge.
    • General knowledge of the policies, practices, and activities of Student Services programs outside the program to which immediately assigned.
    • General knowledge of the principles, problems, and methods of public administration, including organizational, personnel and fiscal management.
    • General knowledge of advanced statistical and research methods.
    • Ability to carry out very complex assignments without detailed instructions.
    • Advise students individually or in groups on varied and complex matters.
    • Ability to determine the appropriate course of action and proper techniques to utilize while engaged with individuals and groups in personal interactions of a sensitive nature.
    • Ability to reason logically and analyze and solve organizational and operating problems of one or several program areas.
    • Ability to plan, coordinate and initiate actions necessary to implement administrative or group decisions or recommendations.
    • Ability to analyze and define complex organizational, policy or procedural problems, collect and evaluate data, draw valid conclusions, and project consequences of various alternative courses of action.
    • Ability to understand the roles and responsibilities of others and to gauge relationships accordingly by taking into account the variety of the interrelationships, motivations and goals of the members of the organization served.
    • Ability to establish and maintain effective, cooperative, and harmonious working relationships in circumstances which involve the denial of requests or the necessity to persuade others to accept a different point of view.

    Minimum Qualifications:

    Student Services Professional III:
    Possession of the above knowledge and abilities listed is typically demonstrated through the equivalent of three years of progressively responsible professional student services work experience. One year in the program area to which assigned may be preferred but is not required.
    • A master’s degree in Counseling, Clinical Psychology, Social Work, or a directly related field may be substituted for one year of experience. A doctorate degree and the appropriate internship or clinical training in counseling or guidance may be substituted for the three years of experience for positions with a major responsibility for professional career or personal counseling.
    Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university in a related field, including or supplemented by upper division or graduate course work in counseling techniques, interviewing, and conflict resolution where such are job-related.
    Student Services Professional IV:
    Possession of these knowledge and abilities is typically demonstrated through the equivalent to four years of progressively responsible professional student services work experience which includes experience in advising students individually and in groups, and in analysis and resolution of complex student services problems.
    • A master’s degree in Counseling, Clinical Psychology, Social Work or a job-related field may be substituted for one year of professional experience. A doctorate degree and the appropriate internship or clinical training in counseling, guidance or a job-related field may be substituted for two years of the required professional experience for positions with a major responsibility for professional, personal or career counseling.
    Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university in a related field plus upper division or graduate course work in counseling techniques, interviewing and conflict resolution where such are job related.
    Preferred Qualifications:
    Demonstrated commitment to ending sexualized violence and supporting survivors. Master’s degree in Social Work, Counseling, Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Health Education, or a related field. Any professional, volunteer, or internship experience in trauma-informed prevention, education, and intervention related to sexual assault and domestic violence. Three years of progressively responsible experience developing and executing training/educational strategies in the prevention of sexual and interpersonal violence. Ability to lead group discussions and provide calm, clear, understandable answers to questions that are raised. Ability to work empathically and effectively with survivors of violence and to provide appropriate resources and referrals and to maintain confidentiality consistent with applicable laws and regulations. Any professional, volunteer, or internship experience providing supervision of others in prevention education, advocacy, or related fields. Relevant certifications, such as in Title IX, sexual assault and/or domestic violence counseling, prevention education. Ability to develop both short-and long-range strategic plans in relation to violence prevention goals and to lead campus efforts in developing and coordinating cohesive programs in reaching these goals. (This ability is typically acquired by the equivalent of a four-year degree and with experience leading organizations in meeting goals of mutual interest.) Experience in developing written reports on program delivery and utilizing quality improvement strategies to improve results of educational efforts.
    Application Procedure: To apply, qualified candidates must electronically submit the following materials by clicking the Apply Now button:
    • Letter of Interest
    • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
    • Contact information for at least three professional references

    Application Deadline: The deadline to submit application materials for first review is Wednesday, February 19, 2025. The final deadline to submit application materials is at 11:55 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

    Any inquiries about this recruitment can be directed to or Cal Poly Humboldt’s Human Resources Office at (707) 826-3626.

    We acknowledge that Cal Poly Humboldt is located on the unceded lands of the Wiyot people, where they have resided from time immemorial. We encourage all to gain a deeper understanding of their history and thriving culture. As an expression of our gratitude we are genuinely committed to developing trusting, reciprocal, and long lasting partnerships with the Wiyot people as well as all of our neighboring tribes. Cal Poly Humboldt was the first campus in the California State University system to offer a stand-alone major in Native American Studies.

    Cal Poly Humboldt is committed to enriching its educational environment and its culture through the diversity of its staff, faculty, and administration. Persons with interest and experience in helping organizations set and achieve goals relative to diversity and inclusion are especially encouraged to apply.

    Working in the state of California is a condition of employment for this position. Even if part or all of an employee's assignment can be performed remotely, the employee must maintain a permanent residence in the state of California. The employee must be able to accept on-campus work assignment, as assigned, and come to campus when needed.

    CSU strongly recommends that all individuals who access any in-person program or activity (on- or off-campus) operated or controlled by the University follow COVID-19 vaccine recommendations adopted by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) applicable to their age, medical condition, and other relevant indications and comply with other safety measure established by each campus. The systemwide policy can be found at CSU Vaccination Policy and any questions you have may be submitted to .

    Cal Poly Humboldt hires only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States. This position may be considered a “Campus Security Authority”, pursuant to the Clery Act, and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1107 a condition of employment.


    Evidence of required degree(s), certification(s), or license(s) is required prior to the appointment date. Satisfactory completion of a background check (including a criminal records check, employment verification, and education verification) is required for employment. Cal Poly Humboldt will issue a contingent offer of employment to the selected candidate, which may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information, and/or if it is discovered that the candidate knowingly withheld or falsified information. Certain positions may also require a credit check, motor vehicle report, and/or fingerprinting through Live Scan service. Failure to satisfactorily complete or adverse findings from a background check may affect the employment status of candidates or continued employment of current CSU employees who are being considered for the position.

    Cal Poly Humboldt is committed to achieving the goals of equal opportunity and endeavors to employ faculty and staff of the highest quality reflecting the ethnic and cultural diversity of the state. Additional information about Cal Poly Humboldt can be found at

    Cal Poly Humboldt is a Title IX/Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. We consider qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, medical condition, disability, marital status, protected veteran status, or any other legally protected status. Mandated Reporting: This position may be considered a “mandated reporter” under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment.

    Additionally, all CSU staff and faculty receive training annually on their obligations in responding to and reporting incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence. You will be notified by email when you are required to take this mandated training.

    Class Code: 3084 or 3086
    Publication Date: February 19, 2025

    Advertised: Jan 29 2025 Pacific Standard Time
    Applications close: Mar 19 2025 Pacific Daylight Time

    Closing Date/Time:

    • Cal State University (CSU) Humboldt

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